ACT Clinics
(After Completion of Treatment)

It isn’t enough to add years to life but also give quality of life to the added years.
Rehabilitation for survivors of childhood cancer can be crucial because theirwhole life lies ahead of them. Advances in all fields of oncology have led to an improvement in outcomes and in the majority of pediatric malignancies; the 5-year survival rate has approached 80%. This has resulted in an increasing focus on the late effects of therapy and quality of life in the growing population of childhood cancer survivors (CCS).
Approximately 2 out of every 3 CCSs experience at least one late effect; and 40% may develop a “severe, disabling, or life-threatening condition” 30 years after cancer diagnosis. (Ref: Indian J Cancer 2015;52:219-23). Certain groups of childhood cancer survivors are at high risk for psychological distress, neurocognitive dysfunction and poor health related quality of life. Indian Cancer Society has set up After Completion of Therapy (ACT) clinics at various cancer hospitals throughout India as long term follow up clinics for pediatric cancer survivors. A qualified Psychologist handles psychological consultation, screening and intervention, to ensure timely health care.
We provide the D. J. Jussawalla Educational Fund to eligible pediatric cancer survivors, treatment at our empanelled hospitals, and provide a late effect fund to financially support late effects treatment for children. ACT clinics also provide a support group for survivors and offer vocational training at subsidised prices.
In Bangalore, ICS has currently partnered with Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center to provide ACT follow up services. Hospital will continue to be responsible for all the medical treatment of survivors, if required, during this period.