Bangalore Hospice Trust

Beyond the spectrum of preventive initiatives, ICS has looked at terminally ill cancer patients
as well. In 1998 ICS led by Kishore Rao, set up Karunashraya in collaboration with Rotary
Indiranagar (managed by Bangalore Hospice Trust). The hospice provides free palliative
care to cancer patients who are beyond curative medical treatment. This “abode of
compassion” has a 73-bed hospital at Marathahalli, Bangalore, as well as 3 Home Care teams which visit homes of patients in different parts of Bengaluru. Karunashraya is
managed by a Trust with equal representation of members from Indian Cancer Society and
Rotary Indiranagar. Kishore Rao continues to be Chairman of Karunashraya. Dr. Lata
Jagannathan, Kala Devarajan, P. Sridhar and Kanchan Bannerjee are representatives from
ICS on the Board of Karunashraya.
To know more about Karunashraya, visit the website http://www.karunashraya.org