Post Treatment Support For
Cancer SurvivorS

During the delicate stage of survivors stepping back into normal life…
The recovery phase of cancer is traumatic and survivors experience low self-esteem besides physical and emotional challenges. ICS supports Cancer Survivors from the low socio-economic status during this phase.
Hair loss is a major and distressing side effect of Chemotherapy treatment which lowers the self-esteem of patients, making them withdraw into a shell.
To counter this, ICS provides wigs which are made from natural hair, head scarves in a variety of designs and colours and breast prostheses during their rehabilitation period. These are provided free of charge on the basis of their financial status.
These activities are promoted through our social media handles and disbursed through our partner hospitals in Karnataka.
ICS in coordination with Bangalore Hair Donation collects hair donated by people in support of the cause. This hair is then converted to wigs by our partner – Salon Labs. The wigs are provided free-of-cost to economically weak chemo patients. It is our hope that this new look gives them the confidence to face society and more courage to fight the dreaded disease.
Anyone interested in donating their hair can register for the same, ideally before cutting their hair, through WhatsApp on 7349190758, on Instagram or Facebook @blrhairdonation.
Donations from all over India are acceptable. We appreciate that the hair be braided, minimum 14 inches in length and un-bleached. No limit on hair length and colour or hair quality for women who wish to go bald.